Sunday, September 12, 2010

Framing Within the Media

The use of framing in media is abundantly used to strengthen media influence on the public’s opinions and views. This affects what topics are brought to attention and how important certain information is. With framing, the media can create a whole new viewpoint or aspect of a situation and organize how it is presented. The public is then able to interpret the information they are provided. I think the concept of framing helps me understand this advertisement for the 2008 Presidential Election because it shows how the media influences what the public thinks of the different candidates. In the advertisement, the page is divided between John McCain and Barack Obama with the American Flag flying in the background. Under McCain’s profile is the words “75  years old,” and under Obama’s profile is the word “Arabck.” This obviously creates a negative connotation toward both candidates, with one being portrayed as very old and the other as being of Arabic nationality. There is no support that is being given toward either man and it leaves the viewer to believe that neither person is the right fit to govern their country. The media framed such an image as to control the view of perhaps the public’s choices, or even the general affects of democracy. Either way, it gives a profound statement that may not have otherwise been stressed towards the public. 

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